
To show images in markdown cells:

![](path to the image)

for example:


will produce:

One can also use HTML to show images (src) with lot’s of flexibility: - to change the width add width (as string) - for reference add id

<img width="500" caption="Session_rate" src="images/session_rate.jpg" id="figure_id"/>

then refer to the figure as:

[name to show](#figure_id)

also can refer to URL images: (for example in Google Colab we have to replace the reference by it’s github link):

    <img width="500" src="image URL or local filepath"/>
    <figcaption>Some caption<a href="some link">text for link</a></figcaption>

One can also have two images, and offset one:

      <img width="200" src=""/>
      <img style="margin-top: 18px; width: 200px;" src=""/>

See this great markdown guide for more.